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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Still life?

Our fourth annual district art show was Monday, which with getting ready along with my regular classes and EFA meant a 14 hour day. 
One of the more fun aspects of it was that the middle school art teacher set up her still life for people to try out, so after a few hours of set up I sat down to try it out. 
Not the best thing I've ever drawn by a long shot, but it was a fun way to wind down and when I left it behind it managed to impress a few middle schoolers. 

Friday, April 24, 2015

Pucker Up

Attendance was really low today (it's hard for school to compete with a sunny Friday) so with fewer things I had to take care of I decided to Photoshop up my pencil drawing from the other day with some mid tone and highlights type monochromatic values. Since that's what we're working on in my EFA class I'll use it as an example.

Thursday, April 23, 2015


My class is small and was quietly working independently, so I decided to draw. I think I'll probably play around with this in Photoshop and use it as an example for another class, but for now I kind of like it as just a pencil drawing.