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Friday, August 6, 2010

El Beardo gets a trim

Here's the strongman in younger, more cleanshaven days. I think maybe he looks a little like a totally roided out Christian Bale.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

El Beardo

Here's still another pass at the strongman guy. I think he looks pretty good, but maybe a little too much like a super buff Rasputin?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Strong Like Bull

This is my first pass at a strongman type character. As you can see, his initial metal hand thing stunk. Just like The Bearded Lady, I'm still not sure about his costume.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010

I'm The Bearded Lady, who the hell are you? One of the Freaks?

It's August and I'm going to make it concept sketch month! Or at least until I run out of concept drawings.
Sometimes I'll come up with ideas for stuff, like cartoons, or characters, or stories or whatever and do a bunch of sketches to hammer it out. Then I usually drop it and never finish it... I mean let it gestate and return to the material when I'm ready to tackle it again. Yeah, that's the ticket.
This is The Bearded Lady. I'm not sure I like her costume and I think her beard should be longer, like Cousin It long. If I do another pass at her I'll post it.