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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Who watches the watchers?

Watching kids while they sleep? Santa is kind of a creeper who should probably be on the naughty list himself.

Friday, December 12, 2014


An example for Art Class. The assignment was to pick a breed of dog and three colors and is essentially a paint mixing assessment.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Hands Up Don't Shoot

The gesture that the protesters in Ferguson adopted of marching forward with hands raised reminded a little bit too much of the menacing dehumanizing posture of a lumbering Frankenstein's monster as he terrorizes villagers. Basically the antithesis of what I think they intended.
I thought it was kind of a funny visual, or at the very least a provocative one, and also one that basically you could read any way you wanted based on your feelings about the shooting and protests. Supporters could see it as a criticism of the testimony that compared Michael Brown as a monster. Opponents could see it as a criticism of the protesters' simplified message of a complex issue. Basically something for everyone to agree with or rail against.
So I whipped this up in Photoshop, posted it to Imgur, and waited for the fireworks to start.
Apparently I'm not very good at trolling social media.