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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Draw Something Nerdy 5

I always pick the nerdiest option, regardless of how many coins I earn.

Draw Something Nerdy 4

I always pick the nerdiest option, regardless of how many coins I earn.

Draw Something Nerdy 3

I always pick the nerdiest option, regardless of how many coins I earn.

Draw Something Nerdy 2

I always pick the nerdiest option, regardless of how many coins I earn.

Draw Something Nerdy

I always pick the nerdiest option, regardless of how many coins I earn.

Friday, May 4, 2012

May the 4th be with you!

I did this back in 2001.
It was for some Star Wars fanart contest thingy I think, but who can remember. It's Prismacolor markers and colored pencils.